Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is that SPRING I see???

So, the rain and snow this year has been out of control! John's parents got four inches of snow on Saturday! Can you believe it?! We most definitely live in Utah. Of course the snow was melted by late afternoon because the sun then came out and didn't give the snow much of a chance to stick around. We are so ready for some warm weather. Occasionally this Spring we have had a few days that have been really nice and you can tell everyone is just ready to be outside going on walks, doing yard work, and just enjoying some sun.

That's how today is :) and I checked the weather this's supposed to be in the 60's all week...I am so looking forward to it! Sunshine always adds a little bit more happiness to life. I love being able to come home from work and take Charlie on a walk to our favorite park. Not only does it make him sooo happy, but it gets me out as well.

There are days I wish I could work outside during the day...So I always make sure to take a little break and go sit outside when it's warm :) It's crazy to me when I think about how it is already May! Soon enough Summer will be here and we are so excited. I can't wait to put on my new swimsuit from DownEast Outfitters and bask away in the nice hot sun. (with my 50 SPF of course ha ha) for the snow...I hope you stay away until the fall/ winter seasons. I hope this will be the last of you for the next little while.

P.S.- Amber's shower was a success! I loved being able to see everyone and how much we have all changed. Lots of people are pregnant...hopefully our chance will come again soon :) We feel more than ready and I am sure the Lord is well aware of that.

When we are doing what we are suppose to...our lives will be blessed!

Vegas and St. George in a month!!!!

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