Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mom

On Friday, my family was given news that my mom has an 85 percent chance of having Ovarian though I have so many thoughts running through my head, I am needing to keep my mind on a positive note, not just for my sake, but for the sake of my mom. I'm not understanding why things are happening the way they are right now in my life, but I am hoping I can be guided and comforted because I have never needed it more.

I love my mom so much. She is such a inspiration to me and has been my entire life. My mom's life hasn't been easy. She has had a lot of hardships she has had to overcome. She has shown unwavering amounts of faith and trust in our Savior and I know she'll get through this.

There are so many things I love about my mom, but the most is that she is literally my best friend. My mom and I are very close and talk on the phone at least twice a day...most of the time three :) Even if it's just a quick one minute conversation. Since she can't tuck me in every night still, we call each other before we go to bed. I get emotional just thinking about all the amazing things about this lady. I love her so much! She has been such a strength to me, especially these last couple of weeks as John and I have had to deal with our loss and our trials. It's now my turn to be there for her and be a strength.

As we wait this next week out to hear results, I want my mom to know how much she means to me. I also want her to know that no matter what news we are given, she is a strong lady and can make it through anything. I want her to know that I am always here for her.

Please keep my mom and my family in your prayers :)

Mom...if you are reading this...I love you so much! Hang in there.
Randi Rooster

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