Well, I actually do know why all of the sudden in the middle of Home Depot I began to cry. My life feels out of WHACK! Between John and I trying to figure out what we are going to do for school in the fall and where are life is going to head from this point on, not to mention working full-time and then wanting to have time for everything else...WE ARE STRESSED! I have tried to not focus on it too much, but when I sit down and look over my schedule for school in the fall, a full-time job, and a calling in young womens, I begin to stress out. I begin to wonder how am I going to do all of this. Thank goodness for John who is always so willing to help out! He might be the only thing that saves me from going crazy!
So after my extreme and dramatic break down today, I have come to one conclusion...I AM VERY BLESSED in my life. I have a loving husband and a great family. Words can't explain how much I appreciate them and love them. With out my family, I would be lost. I am so grateful for my mom. We talk at least twice and day and even if it is just to say hi, how are doing? It's nice to have her there. I am grateful for the life I have and for the gospel. Where would I be without the gospel?! I don't even want to imagine that!
So our next step...
* Get John registered for classes (i'm already registered for my 15 credits! YIKES)
* Celebrate my birthday next week, and have a day of fun and shopping and doing whatever I want :)
* Than, soon enough we will be off to St. George for the weekend to see Tarzan at Tuachan Theather. ( a much needed get away) Charlie will be staying with Grandma Ashcroft.
Oh Yeah...I went and bought one of these to help me get organized!

I love you sweetie, hang in there one day you will be a mommy and even though it just adds so much more to the crazy plate it makes it all worth it. We are going to the Temple on your birthday but maybe we can celebrate on Fathers day I'll call you.